Pictured above: Kari Barclay’s Stonewallin’, the inaugural winner of RTP’s So.Queer Playwriting Festival, received a full mainstage production in February 2022. Photo by Tom Topinka.
The So.Queer Playwriting Festival is a competitive, biennial festival of LGBTQ+ works which will lead to the selection of one work by a playwright — a work that RTP will develop further in close collaboration with the chosen playwright. The festival brings RTP to the forefront in the region to inspire and develop new LGBTQ+ musical and non-musical works.
The John Knapp and Tim Gillham Fund

As a part of our 25th Anniversary fundraising campaign, RTP founder John Knapp and his husband Tim Gillham graciously endowed a new fund to support the creation and development of new LGBTQ work, especially musical theater work. The So.Queer Festival is the first major imitative funded, in part, by their generosity. Additional gifts to support The John Knapp and Tim Gillham Fund are welcomed and encouraged. For more information contact RTP Executive Director Philip Crosby at crosby@rtriangle.org

Richmond Triangle Players, a nonprofit, professional theatre company organized in 1993, impacts and enhances community conversation about diversity, equity and inclusion through the production of dynamic LGBTQ+ themed plays. RTP delivers adventurous and entertaining theatre as the leading voice in the community’s explorations of equality, identity, affection and family, across sexual orientation and gender spectrums.